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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Odds, Lottery Tickets & Judgment Day Predictions

I confess... I've bought a lottery ticket before ... and...
I know, I know... it's bad stewardship.
I know, I know... it's a tax on stupidity.
I know, I know... it's a tax on people who are bad at math.
I know, I know... that all the people who talk about all the "good" they will do with the money they win probably won't.
I know, I know... that if you're not faithful with "little" you probably won't be faithful with "much".

But still, when I did buy one, it was kind of fun, for just one dollar, to imagine for a few days... "what if?"

Let me be clear... I'm not advocating buying lottery tickets. The odds of winning are incredibly bad ... between 18 & 120 million to 1 odds... that means that you are 6 to 45 times more likely to die from a lightning strike than you would be to win a state or national lottery. You can do MANY better things with your $1 than to blow it on a lottery ticket.

Speaking of odds...

I have never made a judgment day prediction, but a guy named Harold Camping has. He and his "Family Radio" network have sent caravans around the country distributing tracts, erecting billboards, and filling his radio station airwaves with the message of coming doom. He has done his "biblical" math and has concluded that judgment day is in just a couple days... Saturday, May 21, 2011 to be exact... and most likely it will happen around 6:00 PM (somewhere). He calculates that this date is the 7000th anniversary of when the rain started to fall at the time of Noah's flood.

Jesus said that no one knows the day or the hour... but apparently Harold doesn't think He was talking to him.

What are the odds?
Well, if Jesus doesn't return before the year 49282 (roughly 18 million days after Jesus said "I am coming soon") Harold Camping has better odds of being right about the day of judgment than I do of ever winning the lottery.

What does all this mean? not much

It's fun to think about it though...
"what if?"...I look forward to that day... whether it's Saturday or not until my great great great great grandchildren are alive. It will be a good day for all (dead or alive) who are in Christ (the odds are 1:1).

Come to think of it, I'm going take an extra $1 and put it in the offering plate on Sunday, May 22, 2011. See you then (probably) !

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